Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Wedding Nightmares

OMG, I'm so sorry... this is exactly what happens when every good website is blocked on my work computer--- I just can't keep up...

Happy October eve eve everyone! I'm getting married in 18 days!! And in honor of my impending marriage I thought I would share with you all some of the more disturbing dreams I have been having as of late...

First dream occurred roughly 2 months ago... I'm still unsure if it is going to come true or not. Anyways, in my dream, it is my wedding day, well night actually and everything is perfect, except one thing--- my dress is too tight and I can't sit down. Just what I need. Thankfully friends and my mom were able to talk me down off the ledge from this dream, since I'm in a corset there's no way that I won't be able to sit... at least that's what they tell me now.

Second dream, after purchasing ALL the favor boxes I dream that they are too small and don't fit what I plan for them. I made Matt take me to the store to buy things to stuff in them. Dream Crisis averted...

until last night

This is by far the most disturbing of my dreams so far. I dreamt that a shark was nibbling on my leg... I'm not talking like "jaws" shark, more like a cartoon shark. This shark was sitting, very mannerly might I add, in a chair with a bib and when he took the first bite of my leg he said "mmm this good."

SERIOUSLY!? what's that mean!

Someone please analyze my dreams.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hmmmm,... I'm awful, I know. It was at the point of remembering this blog that I realized I missed the Weekender. I started this blog right after I left the Weekender to keep all my stories and articles in one place... While I was at the Weekender I blogged (though not consistent) during the day... AS PART OF MY JOB... I can't do that now,.. I don't even have access to my blog during the day... But no excuse...

I'll keep up. I promise.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Friday the 13th

Hey! Hey blog followers, so sorry that I haven't written in a while--- to be honest, I completely forgot about starting this blog. I originally started writing this blog in the summer of 2008 when I had moved to Pittsburgh and at the time was unemployed. I planned on using it as an outlet of some sort but never got around to that.

Well, no time like the present than my favorite day of the year—Friday the 13th--- and yes, for all of you that want to know—I am wearing all black today!

So in celebration of the day, here's a little trivia for you:

Did you know that some people have a fear of Friday the 13ths; the medical term for it is paraskavedekatriaphobia. You start to wonder if you can just throw a whole bunch of letters together and add 'phobia' to the end and create a new word.

In 2009, Friday the 13th will occur three times, February, March and November. In general, any month that begins on a Sunday will have a Friday the 13th in it. Don't believe me … test it out yourself. (I love math!)

Friday the 13th just so happens to be the first horror movie that I saw, my brother forced me to watch it unbeknownst to my mother. Today in theatres across the country the remake will be released and I will NOT be in the theatres watching it. I saw the trailer for it only twice and had 4 nightmares about it in the course of a week. One of my nightmares was so lucid that I 'woke' up during the middle of it… and I was trapped between waking up for real and being tied down unable to move. This is puzzling beyond words because that kind of ammo is more associated with Nightmare on Elm Street than with Jason!

Today, instead, I plan on returning the favor to all black cats that have doomed me to bad luck in the past. I'm going to walk in their path, give 'em a taste of their own medicine!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Oh my goodness

Well, I survived the morning in kindergarten... the first hour the kids just played dress up while others toyed around with some play-doh. As a matter of fact I don't have anything too too exciting to report about my day of subbing except for this:

The school that I subbed for has a VERY efficient way of having the kids picked up at the end of the day. The parents pull up a cul-de-sac and the kids stand against the wall until a teacher, crossing guard or the school's security calls out their name and walks them to the car. While watching the pre-k kids I observed one child walk over to the crossing guard, who was an upper classmen (3rd grader) and say, "Hey kid, what's your story!"

Little kids are so funny!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wish me luck

I received a phone call earlier today inquiring if I would like to substitute tomorrow in pre-k. With my current employment status non-existent I figured it would be a great idea so I jumped at the opportunity.

What do you do in pre-k?

Monday, September 22, 2008

Things you didn't know about me

(originally published on www.theweekender.com on 01.09.08)

I wish I had a British accent.

When Bing Crosby and David Bowie sing "Little Drummer Boy" I tear up severely.

I love jamming out to Irish bands; my fave is Flogging Molly.

I like to dance when I'm getting ready to go out for the evening.

My obsession for Halloween is out of control.

I celebrate St. Nick's Day by putting a shoe outside my bedroom door for presents.

I secretly wish my hair was red.

I'm addicted to "The Hills", "Girls Next Door", "I Love New York", and "The Biggest Loser"--oh hell... I'm just addicted to reality TV shows.

I can sing-in order-the Presidents of the United States.

I dance like noone's watching.

I love Reese's Peanut Butter cups but I reserve eating them until the month of October (it makes me remember Halloween as a little kid).

I want more than anything to learn to play the drums.

Everytime I ice skate with my 5-year-old nephew he tries to teach me how to stop like a "real skater," and it is both humiliating and humbling.

When I was younger I hung the American flag outside my house on my birthday because I truly felt like it was an American holiday.

I would love to meet Johnny Depp and Tim Burton-together-at the same time.

Chicken roll is my absolute favorite lunch meat of all time.

"No purchase necessary"- HA!

So, on my way back from a recent trip to the Strip District I was listening to the radio and some lady was giving away trips to Vegas. She gave the number on air and told listeners to call in. So, I figured, I wasn't doing anything, I'll call.

A gentleman answered the phone and said that I'm one of the first callers and that I WON! So he took my number and said he would call me back. Someone called in about 5 minutes and after asking me stupid irrelevant questions gave me a website to go to "retrieve" my prize...

hmmm already starting to get fishy!

So I went to the website and it asked me to enter in my phone number... again, I'm not doing anything, so I entered it. The next page pops up and says "Hello Tiffany."

hmmm I don't remember giving them my name.

Then it prompts me to give me address which at the time seemed normal, how else would they be able to send me my prize.


A whole list of criteria comes up and a line stating that there is a $50 non-refundable fee to pay when you request your dates. $129 non-refundable fee if you choose to cancel your package...

What happened to the no purchase necessary that the lady on the radio promised...

It's confirmed:

If it's too good to be true: it is!

Nothing in life is free.